Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Zenith

the point of the heavens directly over the head of the observer

Marty had always
struggled with feelings
of hopelessness,
and that didn't change
when he put on
a colorful costume;
he had a hard time
something bright
come out of
a life he found
increasingly worthless,
wondering why he survived,
what was the point
even when he was
a superhero,
an emblem,
just out of reach,
out of his vision...

The end.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Yore

olden times

Marty began
turning to
a different source
of inspiration,
a lost golden age hero
called Wesley Harding,
the Doughboy,
who had fought in WWII
as a volunteer
in the French resistance.

In time he retired
his Sandman look.
He ended up looking
sort of like a Mountie.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Xiphoid


Marty came into possession
of a curved scimitar blade,
which he kept mostly
in ceremony
but now and again
brought it along with him
in costume
for effect.

Eventually its owner
came to retrieve it.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Watchman

a guard

Marty never stopped going to school,
following the shooting;
what he did,
and he couldn't imagine
anyone doing any less,
was become painfully
and stood vigilant,
and that he saw
as his most sacred duty,
but it also meant
he was paying attention
perhaps for the first time
to everyone there,
meeting them
for the first time,
so in a way
it made him better,
a little more human,
forming new affection,
not less.
It's just,
such attention
comes with a price.
You lose yourself
in the bargain.
Such is selflessness.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Ultimo

in the month preceding the present

For someone
constantly reliving
a specific
moment in time,
their second thoughts
on the period
immediately preceding it
as what life was like
before it.

Marty, for instance,
before the shooting,
had been acting in a play
based on
The Last of the Mohicans,
in which he was cast
in an incidental role,
a random soldier
with few lines,
and all he could think
was how pointless it was.

After the shooting,
of course,
he longed
for such

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Verisimilitude

the appearance of truth or reality

An attitude Marty was
eager to adopt
in his new career
was verisimilitude,
the ability to speak
truth to power,
to hold those in power
to the words they speak,
not merely in the facile
"fact-checker" domain
but in the manipulative
designed to humiliate,
to silence opponents,
the kind of speech
so eagerly embraced
by those who don't realize
what they really support
because the confluence of modern agendas
has become toxic
rather than
a curious phenomenon,
a peculiar institution
of public discourse.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Trace Element

a chemical element, as iron, copper, etc., essential to nutrition, but only in very small quantities

The thing Marty understood,
from reading comics,
about his own nature,
was that it was okay
to be a minor superhero,
that he never had a shot
at being the most-loved
or most-famous
or best,
but that he could still play
an important role,
that his efforts
could still be noticed
and even

Monday, April 22, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Sandman

a mythical person supposed to make children sleepy

Marty gained a younger sibling
late enough
so that he could understand
how difficult
it actually is
to get small children
to fall asleep.

It's one of those paradoxes
where no matter how easy
it becomes
to fall asleep
when you're older,
it appears to be the very last thing
you want
early in life,
as if it's tantamount
to the end of the world
(and I guess it might as well be)
to be caught dead sleeping.

That's a little
of what Marty thought,
about being a superhero,
and maybe about
good & evil,
and how people decide
which one to be,
the extreme reluctance
to be good
and the sudden ease
to be evil,
a reverse
of how it's usually thought
to be.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Roly-poly

a short, pudgy person

What do you make of our Marty?
What sort of figure does he strike?
Round in the middle,
short as a griddle,

Friday, April 19, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Quixotic

chivalrous or romantic to extravagance

Don Quixote
was actually a parody
of his creator's interpretation
of a literary craze from before his time,
a criticism,
perhaps become something else
but not what he became,
not some wild idealistic crusade,
but a fool's errand,
a cantankerous sop.

In his darker moments
Marty wondered if that was after all
what he allowed himself to become,
swept up in a romantic delusion,
a comitragic insult
destined to be misremembered,
a gritique of his times
or somesuch nonsense...

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Photochronograph

an apparatus for recording very minute intervals of time

One of the mistakes
commonly made about
superhero folk
is that they might be considered
less than damaged,
that taking the law
into their own hands
automatically makes them

But what if
they're not?
What if
you can define them
as compromised,
not by the violence they choose to make
regardless of outcome,
an absence of malice,
purity of intent,
but rather
some unhealthy obsession,
resulting in a categorically
insane perspective?

What would you say
if told that Marty
lived the rest of his life
inside the moments
of the shooting,
that he spent all spare time
measuring and remeasuring
that signal event,
being warped by it
more and more,
fashioning a crude machine
that aided his efforts,
a photochronograph.

Would that negate all his other deeds?
Would framing Marty in such light
be sufficient
to condemn him forever
in the vicious court of public opinion?
Once poisoned,
always contaminated?
A psychopath
pinned forever,
culpable to a crime
he never committed?

A kingdom,
a kingdom for a horse,
is all he asks,
a hunchback of the mind,
skeletons thrust into history,
conjured by malice,
by lust for power,
the switch thrown
by greed for a throne,
an iron will
and an enemy
that could never be defeated,
and indeed celebrated
for all time...

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Obeah

a form of African witchcraft

Marty was introduced to obeah
(pronounced o-bi-a)
by John Bull
before their relationship
they ended up
using it against
each other.

Finding items
for this
led Marty
to the nth phone;
the nth phone in turn
led Marty
to the aliens
who had introduced
obeah to humans
in the first place.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Nth

of an amount or degree too large to be measured

Marty's greatest asset
was his nth phone,
which never needed charging
and could hold
an infinite amount
of data;
eventually, though,
his use of it
attracted the attention
of the aliens who had left it
and that caused
an equal amount
of complications
(some of them
were good).

Monday, April 15, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Metaphysics

the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of first principles, the problems of being and reality, and the origin and structure of the universe

Marty had spent so much time
reading comics
that becoming a superhero
resulted in some
existential problems,
such as his sudden inability
to see himself as
more than a fictional character.

In some ways this helped him
and in others it got in the way.

He wondered if other callings
came with such pitfalls,
or if it was exclusive
to his peculiar new life.

It only got worse
when he started reading
fan fiction
based on his exploits.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Libertine

morally or socially unrestrained

Marty found his greatest challenge
in the Libertine,
who broke all the rules,
who was capable of anything,
who might not even be thought criminal,
who held sway over a cult,
who made him rethink everything,
who came to take all his time,
who alienated him from the superhero community,
who in the years ahead took his family from him,
who made things personal,
who learned Marty's secret identity,
who made Marty question his sanity,
who made Marty question his intelligence,
who called himself Ellah;
Ellah of the mind,
Ellah of the soul,
Ellah of the plains of the earth,
Ellah of the end times,
Ellah of the beginning,
Ellah of all times,
Ellah of madness,
Ellah of balance,
Ellah of reason,
Ellah of chaos,
Ellah of disorder.

And yet finally Marty emerged,
intact, and yes,
perhaps tilting at windmills,
but the mirrors all lied.
He had emerged from his cocoon,
found himself,
found peace,
and that was all that mattered.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Knight-Errant

a medieval knight in search of adventure, especially of a chance to show his skill and redress wrongs

One of the biggest decisions Marty made
was to become more a knight-errant
than a vigilante,
to dispense with the idea of a patrol
and instead seek out wrongs
that needed righting;

this had the effect
of freeing up his time
to devote to its particulars
and not just beating people up
(in truth he was not good in a fight,
try and try as he might)

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: John Bull

the English nation or an Englishman personified

Gateway wasn't Marty's only mentor,
but he quickly discovered the other for
the fraud he really was.

John Bull, an English fop
appeared with a hop
after Marty changed his identity
to Grit, hoping to craft a legacy
all of his own.

This was a man
who seemed too grand
but the accent alone
left Marty prone
to fall for John's trap.

Somewhat long story short,
Marty had to abort
and they became enemies.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Infer

to conclude or decide from evidence at hand or assumed

Marty's heroic career
almost ended as soon as it began
thanks to his faulty application
of detective reasoning:

he attempted to solve a mystery
through inference
and got it horribly wrong,
or at least couldn't prove it.

This had the effect
of teaching Marty
all about humility,
another thing
superheroes ought
to learn.

Or so he
quickly decided.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Hellion

a person who delights in causing trouble

There were two others
called to extraordinary action
after the shooting:
one was Rachel
(whose story is her own)
and the other was Hellion,
who took all the wrong lessons
from that day.

Marty's first heroic triumph
was putting an end
to Hellion's mad rampage,
and in doing so he became
quite a local favorite.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Gateway

a means of entry in an obstacle with a gate

What Marty discovered
about the superhero community
was how difficult it was
to be accepted into it;
he found a friend named Gateway,
a mentor for budding heroes.

Gateway had been around
since the Golden Age,
and told Marty
how Wesley Dodds himself
had done the same for him,
and how it was an honor
to finally return the favor.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Finalist

a contestant in the final competition of a series

Shots rang out
in the halls of the high school
and suddenly Marty's narrative
changed tracks

Everything that had come to define
Marty's perception of his life
was suddenly no longer true.

There were still leftovers
but all the essentials
were recontextualized.

That was why he put on a mask
why he decided to embrace
the legacy of Wesley Dodds
namesake of his school
the erstwhile Sandman
who had skulked the streets
in a gas mask and suit
in a previous era.

When Marty had thought of the past
it was a dead subject
left to dull classrooms.

Now he understood
its significance
and resonance
and relevance
and urgency.

And he wanted
to feel as if he belonged to that
and not to his new status
as some kind of finalist
in a sick game
of mere survival
in a world
that no longer made sense.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Emend

to make corrections

What Marty saw
as the distinction of his craft,
what he was doing
as a vigilante
working outside the law,
was emending it,
filling in the gaps.

He was the last line of defense
for the cause of justice.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Donjon

the massive, heavily fortified, principal tower or keep of a medieval castle

Marty became a superhero,
and all superheroes need
a secret lair,
which Marty decided
would be the most likely one
for a kid who grew up
reading comics:

his donjon would be
a comic book store

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Chiliad

a thousand

Marty had chiliad reasons
for putting on a mask,
but mostly it was because
he wanted to hide his face,
give himself a new one,
and so he assumed
someone else's,
the gas mask of
a legend.

He would become Sandman,
fast as he can.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Bogy

an imaginary frightful being

When he was very little,
Marty's father would threaten him
with a bogy:
"Touch that ashtray
and the bogy will get you!"
"If you don't eat your dinner,
the bogy will throw a shoe!"

Marty did not mind stealing
that suit.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Astray

out of the right way or in a wandering condition

Marty Kirby stumbles
late at night,
wearing a garish mask
and a suit he stole
from his father's closet,
which is too big for him
except around the waist,
where it's too tight.

Somewhere along the way,
Marty has gone astray.