Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Duke, Page 1 (of 1)


Panel 1
Our man Duke, grizzled old police commissioner, shaved head, a toothpick in his mouth, standing on a dark street covered in police tape, alone. For the moment, just outside the taped off area.

CAPTION: The damndest thing is that every one of them thinks I don’t know anything about it.

CAPTION: That all I do is condone the activity.

CAPTION: That I don’t know exactly who each one of them is.

Panel 2
Duke uses a pen to lift the police tape aside so he can duck underneath and have a look.

CAPTION: As he always is, the Ferryman was here first, and last. Make the mayhem, make the ID, mop up the clues my boys missed.

CAPTION: The Ferryman, otherwise known as Adam Hemingway, scion of Nicholas Hemingway, the great entrepreneur.

Panel 3
Duke crouches to look closer.

CAPTION: Then comes Harlot, more chasing the Ferryman than justice. 

CAPTION: Harlot, otherwise known as Henrietta “Etta”Hemingway, sister of Nicholas.

Panel 4
Duke uses his pen again to lift garbage that has blown onto the scene, finding bullet casings underneath.

CAPTION: And finally the new guy, Bandit, last on the scene, preserving the body, apparently, from those who still meant it harm. Leaving evidence unremarked until now.

CAPTION: Bandit, otherwise known as the second Soul, Ferryman’s partner, formerly a black youth, Tobias O’Brien. Previously presumed dead. One-time ward of Adam Hemingway.

Panel 5
Duke jotting notes in a pad for later reference.

CAPTION: The Duke’s journal. Worth little. Maybe. For now.

CAPTION: But at some point, there will have to be a reckoning.

CAPTION: Between this very strange family? The law?

CAPTION: Or with me?


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