Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hun City, Page 1 (of 1)


Panel 1
A crowded city sidewalk during the day. No specific person being pointed out but in the mix is our narrator, a ten year old girl, of Mexican descent, holding her father’s hand. This is, to be clear, a wide shot, so we won’t know, unless everyone’s paying attention, who we’re following until the last panel.

CAPTION: Hun City is like any other city, probably.

CAPTION: I guess what makes it stand out is what my dad calls the urban legend, the Ferryman.

Panel 2
Now we’re in a park, and somewhere in evidence is the same father and daughter. Same rules: a wide shot.

CAPTION: My dad likes to make a game of figuring out, in the newspaper, the articles that would feature the Ferryman, as he says, “ if they were being honest.”

Panel 3
Now we’re in a restaurant, where again, the father and daughter are in the mix, but it’s a wide shot.

CAPTION: He says, “polite society doesn’t talk about such things.”

CAPTION; I guess school doesn’t count as “polite society” because we talk about the Ferryman all the time.

Panel 4
A subway car, with father and daughter, wide shot.

CAPTION: It’s kind of exciting to know the Ferryman is out there.

CAPTION: I mean, I have no idea what he actually does, except my dad says he gets in a lot of fights, and that that’s probably a bad example.

CAPTION: But, you know.

Panel 5
Walking away from the reader, off in the distance, on a sidewalk at nighttime, our father and daughter, holding hands.

CAPTION: I guess the Ferryman has a partner, a boy, about my age?

CAPTION: The story goes, he’s kind of cute.

CAPTION: Of course, nobody knows, and I guess there’s been a bunch of them, but that’s the story.

CAPTION: Maybe someday I’ll find out for sure.

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