Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dead Butlers, Pages 10-12 (Conclusion)


Panel 1
There will be no dialogue on these pages. College-age Sonny on the phone.

Panel 2
Jerome is on the other end. He looks wistful. This is in a brightly lit room in Hemingway Manor.

Panel 3
A shot of Hemingway slipping on the mask of the Ferryman.

Panel 4
A shot of a villain, a big burley man in the fashion of Bane, called the Destroyer, in a mask similar to wrestler Psicosis (horns like a bull added).

Panel 5
Jerome rushing through a secret passageway in the mansion,  behind a large Caravaggio. His face is now all business.

Panel 6
Jerome in a darkened room, the Ferryman’s lair, seating himself at a large computer terminal.

Panel 7
The Ferryman chasing the Destroyer through a crowded nighttime outdoor restaurant scene.

Panel 8
Jerome, facing the reader, his face lit up by the screen in front of him, talking.

Panel 9
The Destroyer has eluded the Ferryman, who stands alone on a sidewalk holding his hand to his ear as if listening to instructions.


Panel 1
The Ferryman in pursuit of the Destroyer headed down into the subway.

Panel 2
Jerome at the screen as we saw him before.

Panel 3
A shot of Sonny, still holding his phone to his ear, looking shocked, yet being incapable of helping from his college campus.

Panel 4
Jerome’s face turns to grim resolve.

Panel 5
Jerome slipping on the mask of the Insider.

Panel 6
The Destroyer leaping into a subway car, the Ferryman close behind.

Panel 7
The Destroyer knocks the Ferryman out. 

Panel 8
The Insider stands in a subway station as the subway cars race by him, waiting for his opportunity to board.

Panel 9
His opportunity has arrived, and he’s entering.


Panel 1
The Insider tackles the Destroyer, who dwarfs him.

Panel 2
The Destroyer swats the Insider viciously away.

Panel 3
The Ferryman has swung back into action, having recovered.

Panel 4
The Ferryman stands over the prone body of the Destroyer.

Panel 5
He turns to see the Insider, Jerome, equally immobile.

Panel 6
The Ferryman cradling the unmasked Jerome in his arms.

Panel 7
Hemingway, standing alone inside the mansion, looking very small.

Panel 8
A duster sitting unused.

Panel 9
An empty kitchen.


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