Panel 1
Jean Grey sitting down with Cerebro again, transmitting to all mutants.
CAPTION: It’s been a long road. For a long time we were told that we weren’t a part of humankind. That we were separate. We even told ourselves the same things.
Panel 2
Xorn healing Professor Xavier.
Panel 3
Jean with Cerebro.
CAPTION: Now, I think, we can begin to see that this was a mistake. When we reached our greatest crisis, it wasn’t a fight, which those of us who are X-Men have experienced so many times in the past, those of the Brotherhood, those of every label we have given ourselves, and have been given.
Panel 4
Xorn healing Mystique.
Panel 5
Jean with Cerebro.
CAPTION: We faced an extinction that was nothing more than a virus, one that targeted the x-gene, and it didn’t discriminate between factions, it didn’t pick sides. And to forestall the inevitable we were forced into isolation, cut off from each other.
Panel 6
Xorn healing Jubilee.
Panel 7
Jean with Cerebro.
CAPTION: And the rest of humanity responded much as they always had. There was fear, of course, but I realized something else about the reaction, too. The isolation went both ways.
Panel 8
Xorn heals Multiple Man.
Panel 9
Jean with Cerebro.
CAPTION: I went to the Avengers with my plan in the first place, not because I wanted their help, but to hear what they would say about it. They said it was crazy. Not one of them offered to help. And I thought to myself, that’s the problem right there.
Panel 10
Xorn stands in front of Multiple Man as he creates a duplicate.
Panel 11
Jean with Cerebro
CAPTION: Why does it have to be that way?
Panel 12
Xorn surrounded by dozen of Multiple Men.
Panel 1 (splash)
Jean Grey stands in front of the Avengers (the same set I’ve been presenting all along, Sue Storm among them).
JEAN GREY: I’d like to join.
Panel 1
Jean Grey and Jenny Storm in front of an apartment door, which is closed.
JENNY STORM: I don’t know. You really think so?
Panel 2
Jenny is knocking on the door.
JENNY STORM: “The Human Torch.” It’d take some getting used to.
JENNY STORM: I mean, I only just got used to the powers.
JENNY STORM: And the idea of knowing who my dad is.
Panel 3
The door opens. Johnny Storm is on the other side.
Panel 4
Johnny and Jenny are hugging.
Panel 5
Close- up of Jean, looking wistful.
Panel 6
Looking down, now outside on the street, as Jean looks upward as twin streaks of flame shoot toward the reader.
JOHNNY & JENNY: Flame on!
Panel 7
Jean, alone in the panel except random New Yorkers streaming around her, not paying any attention to her, same shot as before otherwise, from a distance.
JEAN GREY: ...Rise.
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