Panel 1
A huge burst of light as Kali infuses life back into Magneto, his body jolting.
Panel 2
Gray-scale as we and Jean Grey enter Magneto’s mind. In this frame Magneto is depicted as the small boy he was at Auschwitz. Jean’s comforting hand in on his shoulder.
Panel 3
Gray-scale continues. Magneto has reverted to his usual appearance, as we last saw him. No helmet. Jean is not fazed by the sudden shift. Her hand remains on his shoulder, as he peers at it, sneering.
MAGNETO: You did it, didn’t you?
MAGNETO: You killed me. And then you brought me back.
MAGNETO: And now you’re inside my mind, hoping you can talk me out of my revenge.
Panel 4
Gray-scale continues. Jean and Magneto are now dressed in civilian clothing. Jean’s hand is no longer on Magneto’s shoulder.
JEAN GREY: I’m here, Erik, because I want to talk.
JEAN GREY: All these years, all this violence, what has it really gotten you?
Panel 5
Gray-scale continues. Close-up on Jean.
JEAN GREY: What if you tried a different way?
JEAN GREY: What if you were the man you once imagined yourself to be?
Panel 6
Gray-scale continues. Close-up of Magneto.
MAGNETO: Dear child...
MAGNETO: I was never allowed to become that man.
Panel 7
Gray-scale continues. A distant shot of Jean and Magneto.
JEAN GREY: That doesn’t mean you can’t try.
Panel 1
Back in the real world, Magneto is sitting up. We see that Jean Grey has collapsed in the field not far away.
Panel 2
Magneto is holding his helmet.
Panel 3
We see the helmet changing shape as he stares at it in seeming anger.
Panel 4
He has placed the helmet back on. But it is a totally different helmet now. He is Xorn once again...!
XORN: Well, then.
Panel 1
Xorn walks over to the prone Jean Grey.
XORN: Jean...
Panel 2
As Kali watches anxiously from the side, Xorn places his hands on Jean, who looks back at him in concern. She’s still not sure the plan worked.
Panel 3
Xorn’s healing touch is causing Jean’s body to jerk.
XORN: You gambled that you could find the good in me. You risked everything. This Phoenix gambit of yours had finally stretched too thin. If you hadn’t been right...
Panel 4
Jean sitting up on her own, Xorn stepping back.
JEAN GREY: I’d be dead. Permanently.
Panel 5
A group shot of Xorn, Jean, Kali, Chamber and Jenny Storm, standing in the field together. A triumphant moment. But Jean is looking off in the distant sky.
JEAN GREY: It’s not over yet.
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