Saturday, April 13, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Libertine

morally or socially unrestrained

Marty found his greatest challenge
in the Libertine,
who broke all the rules,
who was capable of anything,
who might not even be thought criminal,
who held sway over a cult,
who made him rethink everything,
who came to take all his time,
who alienated him from the superhero community,
who in the years ahead took his family from him,
who made things personal,
who learned Marty's secret identity,
who made Marty question his sanity,
who made Marty question his intelligence,
who called himself Ellah;
Ellah of the mind,
Ellah of the soul,
Ellah of the plains of the earth,
Ellah of the end times,
Ellah of the beginning,
Ellah of all times,
Ellah of madness,
Ellah of balance,
Ellah of reason,
Ellah of chaos,
Ellah of disorder.

And yet finally Marty emerged,
intact, and yes,
perhaps tilting at windmills,
but the mirrors all lied.
He had emerged from his cocoon,
found himself,
found peace,
and that was all that mattered.


  1. Not sure Marty won this one - but the mirrors all lied. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Really like this one! It just flows beautifully.
