Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Assorted Heroic Words: Infer

to conclude or decide from evidence at hand or assumed

Marty's heroic career
almost ended as soon as it began
thanks to his faulty application
of detective reasoning:

he attempted to solve a mystery
through inference
and got it horribly wrong,
or at least couldn't prove it.

This had the effect
of teaching Marty
all about humility,
another thing
superheroes ought
to learn.

Or so he
quickly decided.


  1. "got it horribly wrong, or at least couldn't prove it"
    I love those lines :D

    The Multicolored Diary

  2. Replies
    1. I'm not sure even the young Batman had to learn this one. Maybe I'll have to go back and read Year One and/or Earth One.
