Friday, October 26, 2018

Crisis Weekly #2

PAGE ONE          

Panel 1
Wide shot of the White House.

IRON JOE: Honestly can say I never thought this day would come.

Panel 2
Iron Joe, a scruffy looking man in his late forties, graying hair, in a suit that’s as roughly worn as the stubble on his face, is shaking hands with the President of the United States, an old white dude. They’re alone in the Oval Office.

PRESIDENT: Let people say what they’re going to say, Joe.

PRESIDENT: Welcome home.


TITLE: “Back in the U.S.”

WRITER: Tony Laplume


Panel 1
Lorraine Reilly, Firehawk, is walking the corridors of the West Wing, talking with aides, or more accurately, processing her thoughts out loud.  Firehawk is the Vice President, and as such is in civilian attire.

LORRAINE REILLY: I have no idea how we’re going to recover from this one.

LORRAINE REILLY: This latest stunt.

LORRAINE REILLY: This time he’s gone too far.

Panel 2
Lorraine continues to walk the corridors.

LORRAINE REILLY: Bringing in the last cold warrior.

LORRAINE REILLY: The one who turned.

LORRAINE REILLY: One of the most notorious Americans who ever lived.


Panel 3
Lorraine continues to walk the corridors.

LORRAINE REILLY: And he gets a pardon.

LORRAINE REILLY: Just like that.

Panel 4
Lorraine continues to walk the corridors.

LORRAINE REILLY: This goes well beyond the territory of damage control.

LORRAINE REILLY: This takes the cake!

Panel 5
Lorraine continues to walk the corridors.

LORRAINE REILLY: They’ll have his presidency for this one.


Panel 6
Lorraine continues to walk the corridors.

LORRAINE REILLY: Can’t even say it was fun while it lasted.


Panel 1
A new aide rushes up toward Lorraine. 

Panel 2
The aide is whispering into her ear. 

Panel 3
Secret Service agents have begun surrounding Lorraine, who appears frankly baffled by what’s happening.

LORRAINE REILLY: Bats?  In the White House?

LORRAINE REILLY: How is this an emergency???

Panel 4
Lorraine is allowing herself to be moved to safety.  She doesn’t really have a choice in the matter.  She now sports a resigned look.


Panel 1
In the emergency bunker, Lorraine is glaring at the Secret Service agents surrounding her now.

LORRAINE REILLY: Would someone please tell me what’s going on?

Panel 2
Slowly, the realization is setting in.  Lorraine now looks worried.

LORRAINE REILLY: Oh my god.  We’ve been attacked.

Panel 3
Now Lorraine is gathering herself, taking charge, new resolution showing on her face. 

LORRAINE REILLY: Gather the Cabinet.  We’ve got to get ahead of this.  Prepare a statement for the press.  Make sure the President…

Panel 4
A fresh look of horror has stricken Lorraine.

LORRAINE REILLY: Oh my god.  He’s dead, isn’t he?


Panel 1 (splash)
Lorraine is taking the oath of office in a hastily prepared ceremony in the emergency bunker.

LORRAINE REILLY: I solemnly swear…


Panel 1
Lorraine is now in the Oval Office.  She sits at the desk, momentarily paralyzed by the whirlwind series of events.

Panel 2
Lorraine is signaling with her hand for someone to approach, someone we can’t see yet.

LORRAINE REILLY: Even without your costume you stick out like a sore thumb.

LORRAINE REILLY: You might as well come out…

Panel 3
Bloodwynd, still outfitted in the same trench coat and fedora we saw him in last week, phases into view behind Lorraine.  Unlike his appearance in Grant Morrison’s MULTIVERSITY, Bloodwynd’s speech bubbles will retain the old squiggly red borders they had in Dan Jurgens’ JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA.


BLOODWYND: Madam President.

Panel 4
Bloodwynd is now completely visible behind Lorraine, whose demeanor hasn’t changed.

LORRAINE REILLY: Old super friends can afford to be informal.

LORRAINE REILLY: Just call me Lorraine.

LORRAINE REILLY: Let the rest of the world call me President Reilly.


Panel 5
Lorraine has swiveled around to face Bloodwynd, who hasn’t moved.

LORRAINE REILLY: You know, since you lost the costume, you could maybe afford to tell me your name, too.

Panel 6
Here you might expect something to happen, but it doesn’t.

Panel 7
Lorraine places an exasperated hand to her chin as she continues to stare at Bloodwynd.

LORRAINE REILLY: The cutup as always, eh Bloodwynd?

Panel 8
Much the same image as previous.

LORRAINE REILLY: Alright, I’ll bite.

Panel 9
Lorraine and Bloodwynd phase out, Lorraine with a startled expression on her face.


Panel 1
Lorraine and Bloodwynd phase back, but as phantoms, in the Oval Office, but hours earlier, when the President was still alive and meeting with Iron Joe, the beginning of this week’s experiences.

LORRAINE REILLY: You could’ve warned me.
LORRAINE REILLY: What’re they saying?  I can’t hear a thing.

Panel 2
Lorraine is staring at Bloodwynd in annoyance again, because he is once again less than forthcoming with answers.

Panel 3
Lorraine stares at the scene before them as the bats appear.

BLOODWYND: They appeared as if out of nowhere. 

BLOODWYND: But that is not what I wanted you to see.

Panel 4
Flames suddenly engulf the President.  Lorraine looks shocked.

Panel 5
The President turns into a White Martian.

Panel 6
Lorraine and Bloodwynd share a look.


Panel 1
Lorraine and Bloodwynd phase back into the present.

BLOODWYND: During the time I shared the Manhunter’s body, I learned a great deal about Martians.

Panel 2
Lorraine has stood up.

BLOODWYND: I knew of the threat the White Martians posed before anyone else, barring the Manhunter himself.  I should have acted then.  I know not why the Manhunter didn’t, why he allowed things to escalate as they did.

Panel 3
Lorraine’s face shows new concern.

BLOODWYND: They are clearly escalating again.  The President likely never knew that he was one of them, if that concerns you.  That does not mean the others will share this amnesia, brought on by the Manhunter from the last crisis.  It was another mistake on his part.

Panel 4
Bloodwynd continues to talk.  Now we’re focusing solely on him.

BLOODWYND: Though again, I share in some of his sins.

BLOODWYND: Perhaps more than I cared admit.

Panel 5
Bloodwynd continues to talk.

BLOODWYND: The bats I cannot currently explain, although I have suspicions.

Panel 6
Bloodwynd continues to talk.

BLOODWYND: In short, I offer atonement.  I will discover the truth in these affairs.  I will stop this from escalating further.
BLOODWYND: I do not believe, as the press will invariably conclude, that the spy Iron Joe had anything to do with it.  I intend to recruit him.  I intend to do all this with or without your blessing.

BLOODWYND: What do you have to say…Lorraine?

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