Friday, March 16, 2018

Rory 7

A kid was running down the street wearing a bandana on his head.  Rory scratched his head, wondered what was going on.  The kid tripped and went sprawling.  His glasses flew off and skittered across the pavement.  Rory watched as the kid got back up, retrieved his glasses, but instead of continuing on, pulling something out of his pocket.  It was an egg, one of those plastic ones mass-produced for Easter, green, and it wouldn't clasp shut anymore.  A piece of paper fluttered out.  It was folded, and as the kid unfolded it, Rory saw that it just got bigger and bigger.  When its corners flopped, he could see that it was some kind of map.  The kid's eyes grew larger.  A treasure map?  He trotted off with such enthusiasm, Rory had to assume as much.  He finally turned away.  He'd been working on painting a nursery.  He climbed back up a ladder, where a brush and bucket were waiting, and he filled in more of the spires and atoms he'd decided to decorate on the walls, symbols of potential.  When he was done, Rory sat down to watch the evening news.  He watched a reporter breathlessly interviewing...the kid.  As it turned out, the map really had led to a treasure, a chalice buried on a beach.  For some reason, Rory swelled with pride, and he felt hopeful about the future.

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