Sunday, October 18, 2020

Catman/Batwoman, Page 3 (of 12)


Panel 1

We’re back in the high school library with teenage Thomas Blake knocking over teenage Barbara Gordon’s books from the table where she’s been reading. Thomas has walked past and Barbara looks angry.

CAPTION: We met in the library.

Panel 2

Teenage Barbara is collecting the fallen books from the floor.

CAPTION: Everyone always tends to assume I had a perfect life.

Panel 3

Placing the books back on the table we have a glimpse of an open notebook in which we can see a doodle of Batman with one of those hearts and an arrow through it...

CAPTION: Growing up with a cop for a dad, even before he became commissioner, that was pretty tough.

Panel 4

Here’s we’re going to introduce the Burnside costume as the first Batgirl costume. I don’t really get why Batgirl ended up looking like a teenager during the Burnside era. So we’re just going to pretend it was when she was actually a teenager. This is Barbara looking at herself in a mirror as Batgirl for the first time. We see, out a window, the Batsignal in the night sky.

CAPTION: I made a pretty dramatic show of defiance, which kind of backfired.

Panel 5

Batgirl, Batman, and Commissioner Gordon on the rooftop of GCPD headquarters, next to the Batsignal. Batgirl, now in her more traditional costume, is obviously trying not to look at her dad, Jim Gordon, who’s directing all his attention on Batman anyway.

CAPTION: To spite my dad I gave in to a stupid crush on Batman.

Panel 6

Batgirl and Commissioner Gordon are left looking at each other, Batman having pulled his usual disappearing act.

CAPTION: Of course, the thing is, I was still working with my dad. Probably more than Batman ever did.

Panel 7

Batgirl is swinging after Batman across the cityscape.

CAPTION: And to be honest, not working with Batman much at all.

Panel 8

Batgirl arriving outside the museum on the same night as the Egyptian exhibit Catman has targeted.

CAPTION: More often than not, whatever Batman was up to, I ended up on some other case.

Panel 9

Batgirl swooping down on Catman.

CAPTION: And it never felt like a coincidence, at all.

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