Saturday, February 9, 2019

Crisis Weekly #16


Panel 1
Jack Ryder is knocking on the door of a typical suburban home.


Panel 2
Jack Ryder continues to knock.  By his emerging irritation it’s implied that he’s been knocking for a while already as we’ve caught up with him.

JACK RYDER: Hello?  Is there anyone home?

Panel 3
Jack is looking down at the door handle now.  He continues to knock while holding the handle with his other hand.

JACK RYDER: Mrs. Takai?  You promised me an exclusive!


Panel 4
Focus on the hand that’s on the handle, as he’s apparently been turning it, and just discovered that it was unlocked and the door has opened.


TITLE: “Viva la Vida”
WRITER: Tony Laplume


Panel 1
Pan back out as we see Jack taking a quick look around him, trying not to look suspicious.  Despite his words we don’t see anyone at the door; he’s just covering his tracks.

JACK RYDER: Thanks for letting me in.

Panel 2
Jack is entering the house now.

JACK RYDER: Right.  Okay.

Panel 3
Jack begins to look around.  This is one of those homes that looks more like a showroom than someplace where people actually live.


Panel 4
Jack hears something and turns his head in that direction.

SFX: Creeek

JACK RYDER: Hello?  Is there anyone there?  Mrs. Takai?  You promised me an exclusive?

Panel 5
Jack hears a sound coming from another direction and looks that way.

SFX: Wooosh

JACK RYDER: I’m…beginning to think I’ve been had.


Panel 1 (splash)
The source of the sounds has dramatically made its presence known: the biggest Man-Bat we’ve seen yet!  And it’s swooped right in front of Jack!  And Jack is in the midst of transforming into the Creeper!



Panel 1
Jack has now transformed completely into the Creeper and is tussling with the Man-Bat.

Panel 2
Jack’s battle with the Man-Bat continues.  They’re banging into things, smashing all those pretty showroom features.

Panel 3
Jack’s battle with the Man-Bat continues.

Panel 4
Jack’s battle with the Man-Bat continues.


Panel 1
The Man-Bat suddenly stops fighting as a loud whistle sound rings through the house.

SFX: Wooo-oo

Panel 2
Two sets of feet are coming down a staircase (which has a huge gap from being smashed into at some point during the preceding fight).  There’s also an audible clicking sound.

SFX: Click!

Panel 3
We see that the feet belong to Bulletproof, Rachel Rogerson, and Ezrah.  Ezrah is holding a device in his hand that he has just used, his thumb still pressed on it.

EZRAH: That should be enough.

Panel 4
Jack, still the Creeper, is looking around all the more frantically now.

JACK RYDER: What?  What’s going on here?

Panel 5
Ezrah is pointing toward a red dot on a picture frame.

EZRAH: You just went worldwide on the internet, Jack.  How does it feel?

Panel 6
The Man-Bat, or we should say Woman-Bat as we’re about to discover, flies over to Bulletproof and Ezrah, looking suddenly like an adoring pet.

EZRAH: Let’s have some proper introductions, shall we?

EZRAH: Jack, this is my pal Betty.

Panel 7
Focus on Jack, scowling.


Panel 1 (splash)
Bulletproof and Ezrah are riding on the back of Betty, soaring through the sky.  Night is approaching.

EZRAH: I told you it’d work.


Panel 1
The trio continues to fly.

BULLETPROOF: So that’s it?  That’s the end of Jack’s career as a so-called journalist?  The end of his harassing of the superhero community?

Panel 2
The trio continues to fly.

EZRAH: For now, anyway.

ERAH: Cockroaches and all.

Panel 3
The trio continues to fly.  It’s getting darker.

EZRAH: The only thing that’s for certain is that nothing’s for certain.

Panel 4
The trio continues to fly.

EZRAH: He just lost a massive amount of credibility, that’s all.  But the people that took him seriously before are still going to listen to what he has to say.  It’s everyone else, the bandwagon folk that started paying attention later, who’ll be affected.  All they’ll see is doubt now.  If this is the guy who kept warning us about White Martians, and suddenly he’s caught looking more or less like one himself…

Panel 5
The trio continues to fly.

BULLETPROOF: Yeah.  Wish it was easier.

EZRAH: Nothin’s easy, Rachel.


Panel 1
The trio continues to fly.  It’s fully night now.  The moon is shining near them.

BULLETPROOF: I just want one thing that’s simple, one thing that doesn’t make me crazy.

Panel 2
The trio continues to fly.  A silent panel.

Panel 3
The trio continues to fly.

EZRAH: You have me, Rachel.

Panel 4
The trio continues to fly.

BULLETPROOF: The son of the Caballero.  You’ve been reading the headlines, haven’t you?  Dad’s in a lot of trouble these days.  Cornered.  Liable to start WWIII any minute.

Panel 5
The trio continues to fly.

BULLETPROOF: But you know I love you, Ezrah. 

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