A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
In the microbiotic world of the Whills, the original Force practitioners who interact directly with midi-chlorians as conduits, inserting them into sticks that look and function like wizard wands, an orphan youth named Bendu watches a vision of Darth Plagueis betrayed and murdered by his apprentice, Darth Sidious. It is an unnatural act that grants Sidious great power and long life, and it sends ripples through the Force, knocking Bendu out of the vision and clear off his feet.
He seeks comfort from his people, but the Whills, always busy giving invisible advice to the greater world around them, have no time for him, except for Ophuchi, his talking pet. Together, Bendu and Ophuchi look for someone who will take his vision seriously, until they come across CJ, who came to the Whills years ago after accidentally learning of their existence. As a forced resident, CJ has been looking for ways to justify his time with the Whills.
The trio meet Deak, whom CJ instantly falls in love with. The problem is that Deak is also the daughter of Kane, the emperor of the Whills, and she's on the outs with him for her constant rebellious behavior. This makes her a natural ally of Bendu, but not really a step closer to reaching his goal.
The real problem is that Deak is not exactly shy about her efforts to subvert her father's authority. She ignores Bendu's protests and submits his vision directly to the opposition council, of which everyone knows Deak is a member. Bendu knows this will make it even harder for him to be taken seriously. But the council president, Cos, immediately grasps the importance of the vision, and vows to confront Kane with it.
When his petition is summarily rejected, Cos challenges Kane to a duel. Everyone is shocked when Cos wins, and Kane fades into the Force, but in retaliation Cos, the opposition council, and Deak are sent into exile.
Bendu, Ophuchi, and CJ follow, and are just in time to witness the Force initiating the conception of Anakin Skywalker...They see Darth Sidious off in the distance, cackling. Bendu's vision has just accelerated.
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